My first internship experience was with MediaSource, a local healthcare PR agency specializing in brand journalism. This position gave me my first glimpse into an agency setting. Here, I learned how to work with databases, like Cision, how to build media lists and editorial calendars and how to communicate with media outlets.

I had the ability to write my own pitches regarding clients’ patients, doctors or treatments, schedule the pitches to be sent to specific outlets across the country and would follow up with outlets to provide them with more information.

My fellow intern and I also had the opportunity to build themed media kits complete with decorations and treats to deliver to news outlets around Columbus. I loved this experience as it was my first time behind the scenes of a news outlet and introduced me to a variety of positions from the communication and journalism field.


A pitch I wrote regarding statistics on obesity in America on behalf of a client.

A pitch I wrote regarding statistics on obesity in America on behalf of a client.

This particular pitch was a re-pitch because the story was applicable to the upcoming Winter Olympics.

This particular pitch was a re-pitch because the story was applicable to the upcoming Winter Olympics.

Media kits
